Friday, March 5, 2010

Homemade Hair Growth Shampoo with Nettles and Rosemary Makes Hair Grow Faster

Homemade Hair Growth Shampoo with Nettles and Rosemary Makes Hair Grow Faster

Homemade shampoos can help speed hair growth. Hair loss is a natural part of aging, but healing herbs can restore healthy hair. Natural herbal shampoos allow herbs to be absorbed directly into the hair and the scalp, and encourage hair to grow. Homemade shampoos have the added advantage of preventing the application of damaging chemical agents that are added to many commercial shampoos, which cause damage to hair.

1 comment:

  1. Many people know that hair loss is caused by presence of dihydrotestosterone in blood, which negatively influences hair follicles. However, it does not give an explanation why someone has hair at the extremely old age, and others grow bald at 20.
    Hair loss used to be a sign of redundancy of man’s hormone testosterone. However, researches have shown that follicles are not sensitive to this hormone, dihydrotestosterone destroys it. Then enzyme 5-alpha-reductase attracted attention of scientists, it is the so-called “committer of tragedy” (or “gene of alopecia”). During numerous researches it was found out that such behaviour of 5-alpha-reductase has purely hereditary character. And this gene passes from mother to son. In other words, if your grandfather by your mother’s side had problems with hair, there is 90 per cent of probability for you to face this problem during a life.
